Labour-run Bradford Council have released their latest proposals to blanket Ilkley with over 100 speed bumps across the whole town.
The speed bumps are proposed on major roads throughout Ilkley, including Grove Road, King's Road, Victoria Avenue, Valley Drive, Wheatley Lane, and Ben Rhydding Road. Local Conservatives, including Robbie Moore MP, have raised concerns that this blanket approach is counter-productive and costly and have advocated for a more targeted approach.
This approach would focus on bad junctions and critical areas like schools, ensuring the added protection is delivered where it is needed.
The proposals, which are expected to cost hundreds of thousands of pounds, will not only be funded through council tax but additionally up to £87,500 will come directly from the Ilkley Town Council precept.
You can see Bradford Council's current plans in full in the attached documents below.
Commenting on the latest proposals Keighley and Ilkley MP Robbie Moore said:
It is frustrating once again to see Labour-run Bradford Council assuming it knows best and dictating to local people from afar. I support effective road safety schemes, like everyone in Ilkley, which is why Bradford Council should listen to residents. Locally people are clear - these proposals are not right for Ilkley. We need targeted measures that will have a strong impact, not a wasteful, disruptive catch-all approach.
I hope local people in Ilkley will make their voices heard and work with their Conservative Councillors David Nunns and Andrew Loy to press Bradford Council to come back with another proposal that has the support of local people.
Ilkley's Conservative Councillors Andrew Loy and David Nunns also made a statement:
We all want to make our roads safer, but residents have told us they want measures targeted around schools and other roads where they are really needed, such as a speed camera on Cowpasture Road.
If you agree that the current proposals for 143 road humps are excessive and unwanted, make sure you object by the deadline at noon on July 24th.