Keighley and Ilkley MP Robbie Moore has welcomed the final passage of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill through Parliament.
The Bill is a wide-encompassing piece of legislation designed to clamp down on the very worst crimes, through three broad principles. It will equip police with the powers and tools to keep themselves and us safe as they carry out their duty, introduce tougher sentences for the most serious crimes, and improve the efficiency of courts by modernising existing processes.
Particular measures involved in the Bill, which were approved by MPs in the early hours of last Tuesday morning, include introducing ‘Harper’s Law’, which will extend mandatory life sentences to those convicted of the unlawful manslaughter of an on-duty emergency worker, and extending the scheme which disregards historical convictions or cautions for same sex sexual activity. There are also several specific measures to better protect women and girls, including toughening sentences for horrific crimes such as rape and creating a new serious violence duty on public bodies, which will specifically include domestic abuse and sexual violence.
During the final parliamentary debate on this bill, Moore delivered a speech expressing support for the parts of this Bill involving ‘Tony’s Law’, which would increase the maximum offences for child cruelty offences. He stated how this was of particular importance to his constituents and himself given the impact the death of Star Hobson, who was just 16 months when she was murdered, had on his entire constituency. He noted the disbelief when Star’s mother, Frankie Smith, whose neglect facilitated the shocking abuse which led to Star’s death, was only given eight years in prison. Whilst the Attorney General has sent this sentence to the Court of Appeals following a letter from Moore, he praised the fact that under this new law, a much tougher sentence would have automatically been applied.
Robbie Moore MP said: “This is a vitally important Bill – it will overhaul our justice system to give the police and courts the powers they need to keep our streets safe, while providing greater opportunities for offenders to turn their lives around and better contribute to society.
I was very pleased to express my support during a parliamentary debate, particularly with regards to ‘Tony’s Law’ and protecting children. My entire constituency, and indeed the whole country, was shaken by Star Hobson’s death at the age of just 16 months, and were bemused that her Mother received just eight years in prison, despite facilitating the horrible abuse that killed her daughter. Under old laws, I had to write to the Attorney General for this sentence to be reviewed, but with this Bill we can guarantee that sentencing for child cruelty is fit for purpose.
It was extremely disappointing that my Labour Party colleagues decided not to support this Bill, and these measures. Whilst they talk about changing their act and getting tough on crime, they are clearly still the same old Labour Party, with no plan to support our police, and no plan to deal with the very worst offenders.”