We, the undersigned, call upon Bradford Council to scrap their proposed increase in car parking charges across the Bradford District.

These proposed increases will  place an unfair financial burden on local residents who live and work in the District, with some workers being forced to pay increases of up to 150% to park their cars at their place of work, and others being forced to pay to park outside of their own homes, with no guarantee of a parking spot.

Furthermore, the increased car parking charges at car parks across the District will have a detrimental impact on small businesses and retail outlets. At a time where high streets are already struggling, adding a further deterrent to consumers coming to spend money in our area will only lead to less business to shops and for the local economy. We remain unconvinced that Bradford Council has properly considered the lost revenue from business rates that would occur should these parking increases go ahead.

Parking charges will also be introduced at Ilkley Lido for the first time which will not only detriment those who frequent the pool for swim clubs, swimming lessons, leisure activities or tennis but also those from both Ilkley and Olicania Cricket Clubs whose members rely on the parking in the Lido for their training and match days.

We urge Bradford Council to listen to the signatories of this petition, and reconsider their proposals.

To read Bradford Council's full proposals, visit: https://bradford.gov.uk/transport-and-travel/parking/future-proposals-f…;

Bradford Council Parking Petition

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