Keighley and Ilkley MP Robbie Moore has given his reaction to the news that Bradford Council will lose responsibility for Children's Services, with control being handed over to a separate trust.
The decision follows recommendations from the Children's Services Commissioner in Bradford that the Council is not suitable to manage Children's services, and that an entirely new, independent trust was necessary.
While the new trust is established, an independent non-executive commissioner will also be appointed to lead the council through this transition period, to create immediate change for children and young people in Bradford.
Robbie Moore MP said: "For far too long vulnerable children across Keighley and whole of the Bradford District have been severely let down by the very organisations who should be there to protect them. Repeatedly, Bradford Council have failed in their duty to protect our young vulnerable children, and today, the government have deemed Bradford Council unfit to deliver Children’s Services.
Vulnerable and looked after children deserve much better. Our area has been haunted by such failings for far too long which has lead to so many tragedies in our area, including cases of neglect, continuous child sexual exploitation and the recent tragic murder of Star Hobson which could have been prevented had Children Services acted upon repeated warnings.
Failures of leadership, lack of cohesive strategy, poor culture and the dysfunctionality between Bradford’s Children’s Services department and the core management team have all resulted in Bradford Council being deemed unfit to have the responsibility of protecting our young children. I therefore very much welcome and support the government’s move to lift Children’s Services from Bradford to a separate Trust in the hope improvements can be delivered quickly.
I do however have no confidence whatsoever in the current leadership of Bradford Council to deliver the changes that are required to ensure children across the Bradford District are safe and free from risk. This is a local authority whose children’s services have been operating under special measures since 2018. The Chief Executive; Kersten England has resided over repeated failings since taking her position in 2015, whilst being propped up by the Council Leader; Susan Hinchliffe since May 2016, who should have been holding the Executive to account.
It is absolutely clear that change is needed at the top, and Kersten England and Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe must resign from their positions. It is only with both new leadership at the Council and a new structure, that we can truly ensure children in our area protected."