Silsden is being completely inundated with new housing. Local services and local infrastructure cannot cope.
I have submitted my objection to the latest planning application to build 140 houses just off Bolton Road and Brown Bank Lane. This planning application has been put forward by Persimmon Homes. I urge Bradford Council to REFUSE this planning application.
If you haven’t done so already, I am urging everyone in Silsden to do the same and submit their objection via the Planning Portal on Bradford Council’s website.
Silsden has experienced huge growth recently and the town has reached a point where it cannot take anymore. There are many other new housing developments currently being constructed in Silsden, including by Barratt Homes, Lindum Homes and Skipton Properties. These new proposals for another 140 houses will undoubtedly cause a huge extra strain on vital services, including healthcare and education. Anyone who has driven in Silsden knows how big an issue congestion is, and the current road infrastructure can not handle an even greater number of vehicles in the town.
It is incomprehensible that Bradford Council have identified part of the Persimmon Homes application site as being suitable for housebuilding in the forthcoming Local Plan when other brownfield sites exist across the area.
When submitting an objection to a planning application, it is important that the objection is linked to planning policy. I have therefore included at the bottom of this page a copy of the Objection I have submitted to Bradford Council should you wish to use this as a template for your own objection. I have also over the last week or so delivered a copy of this objection directly through residents letter boxes in Silsden, so that all have a copy of my objection, should they wish to use as a template.
To find out more about the proposed planning application, and to submit your objection, please follow this link;
I urge Bradford Council to REFUSE this planning application.